"Angel of Death"

With a Halo of Blood and Wings of Steel, I Banish you from the reaches of this World and over yonder. Begone, tortured soul, and join your brethren in peace. As I put you to Rest, know that your blood will tarnish the floors and mark your New Beginning elsewhere with equanimity.
- Name: Gordon Sawblade
- Nickname(s): Gord(s)/Gourd(s), Sawblade, Saw, Sawb/Sob
- Pronouns: She/He/They (Capitalized pronouns)
- Gender: Genderqueer (Butch)
- Song: massacre by AZALI
Dead-set to serve peace, Gordon Sawblade is the fault of timelines mixing together. This resulted in multiple Ravenholms subsequently somehow losing all their Physics Objects to a bottom-ful void pit, in which a Gordon Freeman from one of these robbed timelines fell to an untimely and undeserved death. Approached by the One in the Suit, They were asked, why do you want to live on? Answering, If only to see my darling Alyx again, I would do anything.
For it was anything, Gordon chose to sacrifice his humanity, and had to learn what the world really was. And now, she roams about, to watch over like a guardian angel of carnage.
Sawblade, saved by a Divine Intervention, is a hearty mix of fear, loyalty, and judgement. They speak telepathically, and even though Their bad wounds have long since healed, albeit with the deepest of physical scars, it hurts Her to use His voice.